
Sunday, 28 June 2015

Some reflections on London

Reflection in London.
I'm working in London now, and have sampled two rather nice areas of inner London as places to live. I do things like catch the tube in rush hour (although I think I'm going to get the bus, it's half the price and from where I have to go at the moment not actually too much longer) and buy lunch at Tesco's when I haven't got myself organised properly.

The population of London is about twice the population of New Zealand. Did you know that? That's, like, pretty significant. There are a lot of people in London. Some of them really smell bad.

Tower Bridge and the brown Thames.
I work near the Thames, and Tower Bridge (which I have not yet seen raise). The Thames is brown and flows surprisingly quickly. It ripples and eddies in bright grey and shiny scum-green. I've noticed that all the inland water in London, and those towns I've visited on excursions, is greeny-brown or browny-green. Canals and ponds and little lakes, all a murky green, all with a thin layer of slime. But still, somehow, it's pleasant to walk beside them and around them - and they reflect so well. London is a city of reflections. I do a bit of reflecting myself, sometimes.

Anyway, I thought I would share with you a few things I've discovered:

  • Never shop on Oxford Street on the weekend. Your soul will be destroyed by 50,000
    What? Where are the # and @ at?!?!?!
    bustling women jostling co-shoppers onto the road in front of buses.
  • Keys are in the wrong place on keyboards.
  • There are so, so many old and beautiful books in London, and so many museums to house them.
  • The majority of buskers make use of empty air - whether they are robed Yodas holding onto a staff or seated men in greatcoats with invisible heads but mysterious spectacles.
  • Eating out is very expensive compared to home. Fruit and veg is expensive. Some groceries are cheaper - you can get cans of soup pretty cheap. And you can get four delicious rolls at Sainsburys for 1 quid. Go Sainsburys!
  • A bald guy called James (27, tube-rider, large beard) is returning to education after 20 years, and he knows he'll fucking thrive. 
  • Oh, there they are!

  • Hipsters gravitate to Shoreditch.
  • There are lots of Russians in Kensington. They don't like it when people use the lift for one floor only (I tend to agree).
  • Every second person smokes.
  • Very few cyclists cycle with helmets on, despite the crazed traffic, and there are quite a few cyclists. Some cyclists (quite wisely) wear those mask things to help keep out the pollution, but the result is you feel like you'r being pursued by Hannibal Lector on a bicycle.
  • Some parts of the pavement are so worn by trillions of billions of footsteps that the sun reflects in them.
  • Law firms don't like sharing their building with charities.
  • My boyfriend's extended family and very generous and kind. And good cooks.

The Serpentine. It may be greenish-brown, but it reflects nicely.

The animosity between humanoids and dolphins captured here in this statue in Trafalgar Square. Note the green water.

Reflection in a canal.

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