Farewell, late afternoon work view. |
And out of it, I got a card with a puppy on the front, some rosehip oil (as requested), a wee London travel guide, and a very large morning tea that lasted over lunch and through the afternoon. There was a very nice mildly entertaining speech from my boss, who has been among the best and most mildly entertaining managers I've ever had. The day felt oddly hollow though, and very long. It was good to get to sleep that night.
Now I'm doing things like looking up transport to the Singapore Zoo and best places to buy electronics, and book groups in London. I wondering what films they have on the plane, and what meals I'll get to choose from, and if I'll find a set of headphones I can't break. I'm backing up my music and files on yet another drive, and working out what music and podcasts to have on my mp3 player for the long flights.
My bag is packed and to requirements - 22 kgs, after removing all the books I had in there. We've put some shoe glue on the little flesh-wound tear the Australian bag handlers left on it last year.
The number of people who've responded negatively when I've mentioned moving to London has surprised me (I don't know why, I know what people are like). They haven't been malicious, just negative, in a nice small passing way that might make them feel a little more comfortable about their own lives.
Farewell, annoyingly small work kitchen seating area. |
"Wow, that'll be expensive. Good luck finding a flat."
Or, at work:
"It'll be interesting, going from New Zealand where it's good to the UK. There's a whole group of people from the UK working in X team who've emigrated to New Zealand because there are just no jobs and the living conditions are just, you know, not good."
And although these people barely know me, and their opinion doesn't matter, it makes me really appreciate those people who have been positive just that much more.
"Oh, you'll love it in London," without a moment's hesitation or fragment of doubt. And, when I even begin to hint at doubt, a sincere, "You'll have no trouble finding a job." And even just a smile and, "Enjoy every moment of it." So thank you, you positive people, you've really made a difference, and I bet you weren't even trying.
So tonight is my last night sleeping in NZ. It's been cloudy and rainy today, but not so cold as I thought. I went for a walk in the suburbs, to a water tank right at the edge of farmland. Our hills have such distinctive shapes and shadows, with little gullies holding catchments of scrub, furrows and ridges of grass and fence lines, and old solitary pines on the horizon. I've been staying with my boyfriend's parents and being fed delicious meals. It has been most nice.
We don't fly out until tomorrow evening, which gives me enough time to realise I've forgotten something incredibly important and try to force into my bag.
I really, really hope my bag isn't lost or opened by evil luggage people in transit. Or ever, for that matter.
Time to go out wandering.